EMPATH! I knew I felt something…

Welcome to OCTOBER!!

At this moment I will simply state, for the record, that HALLOWEEN–the kitschy Americanized givemecandy holiday of extravagant costumes and cheesy haunted houses–is my FAVORITE holiday of the year. Yes, more fun for me than Christmas, kiddos. Because, costumes. I still usually dress even though my next birthday cake will read ANCIENT instead of a number. Luckily, my kids are patient enough to let me dress in some accessorized fashion to their selections. *embracing my inner goofball*

So! In honor of the spookiest month on the calendar, I’m featuring many a paranormal book. Fear not, I’ll still throw in some erotic/women’s fic as is my usual, but there’ll be more Urban Fantasy, and ooh! thrillers.

WARNING: Expect excessive exclamation point usage. I’ll begin Punctuation Camp on Dia de Los Muertos.

Buckle up, folks. It’s gonna be a wild month!

On that note, today’s my day on the EMPATH BLOG TOUR!!!

Empath blog tour banner

Empath (The Flawed Series, #1)Here’s the Goodreads synopsis:
Supernatural empathy isn’t a gift, it’s a curse. Anywhere she goes, Jade’s emotions are replaced by those of the people around her.

Jade grew up in a suburb of Colorado Springs, protected from other people by her parents. Now she faces college—and the world—with nothing to shield her from unwanted feelings.

When Cam, a classmate with a major crush on her, unintentionally hijacks her emotions, Jade struggles to keep from being carried away in feelings of attraction. When Ethan, a psychopath with a thirst for fear, fixates on her, the emotional impact could be lethal.

Caught in a deadly trap, Jade must untangle the emotions and find a way to use her empathic curse to overcome this killer or be overcome by him.

And, frankly, this is only the barest inkling of the plot. Jade encounters several people with gifts that draw her in a way she has never known before. Good thing this menagerie is equipped for the cause, because Becca J Campbell really offers quite a punch in this thriller.

My Review:
Jade Edwards is super-touchy-feely. Because, well, she feels other people’s emotions. Her parents hoped a quiet serene life would keep Jade from the horrors of people’s nasty inner monologues, but Jade is determined to go to college. Summer school—at least. Jade thinks small classes will be manageable.

While there she meets the vivacious Cam, a happy presence whose exuberance and affection is easy for Jade to become lost in. Cam has a delicious—if heart-rending—crush on Jade and his family is just as smitten. Poor Cam’s afflicted by a strange time-warp brain ailment. Every now and then he gets trance-lytized. His brain snags and he relives the past few moments, like, a hundred times. So everything that happened in those moments is permanently etched into his memory. Kinda cool when it happens during Chem lab. He memorized half the textbook in a heartbeat!

Jade is inexorably attracted to Professor Logan Henry—his emotional landscape is a quiet zone in the maelstrom that usually bombards her. And Logan desires Jade—except he’s not into relationships. See, Logan has a secret:  He’s not all human. And he fears anyone finding out about his hidden half.

As Jade and Cam become closer, Logan is more and more frantic to claim her. Oh, and there’s a visually-impaired serial killer who meanders into their town. And, he’s got his ‘sights’ set on Jade. This guy’s a patient one. Catch her he does.

Good thing Cam and Logan have fantastic superhuman powers. Because they need every advantage against the nocturnally-active killer.

In truth, this thriller gets resolved though there’s a serious cliffhanger upon which to hang Book Two…

You can pick up EMPATH here:

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UK Buyers!

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About the Author:
An avid lover of stories that tiptoe the line between fantasy and reality (even when they plunge off one side or the other), Becca J. Campbell looks for new angles on bridging the gap between the two. She holds a special place in her heart for any story that involves superpowers or time travel. Her passion is defying the limits of her own creativity.

Becca’s journey into writing began as many of her other creative endeavors do – by daring herself to try something new. The question “what if I wrote a novel?” and some hastily scribbled notes on a church handout were the inspirations that jump-started her first book. Since then, she has written half a dozen additional novels and several shorter works.

As the wife of a musician and mother of three young boys, Becca’s life is never dull. Whether it is writing, painting or knitting, she enjoys making stuff that wasn’t there before. You can catch up with her in the usual ways:
Author Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Pinterest, and Amazon

Let me know if you check out EMPATH. I’d love your take on the ending!

Got any AWESOME Halloweenish tales to recommend? Do so NOW!!!

(You were warned about the !!!’s. Sorry, I’m too excited for the CANDY!) 😉

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