She Didn’t Want to be FOUND–A Review

Hi there! I’m sharing a review for a new contemporary romance out today from Claudia Burgoa. FOUND sounds like a second (or third) chance for a down-on-her-love gal starting over in Frisco. I liked this one.

About the book:
All I’ve ever wanted was for someone to choose me. My mother didn’t. My father didn’t. The beautiful boy next door, who grew up to marry me, didn’t. Neither did the next man with whom I thought my heart was safe.

Back in the Bay area, three thousand miles from New York City, I can start fresh. Become one with the sea again, rise or fall on the tide of my own choices. But on the first day of my bright new life, the darkest shadows of my past follow me through my office door. The two men whose names are definitely not on my five-year plan.

If I let it consume me—my need for one man, my love for the other—the darkness will swallow me whole. I can’t let that happen. Not again. This time, the waves of emotion crashing against my heart won’t drown me. This time, I get to choose my happy ending.

My Review:
Hazel Beesley is making a fresh start, back in San Francisco where all ehr grilhood dreams began. She’d dreamed of marrying her high school sweetheart, Elliot McFee, and while that dream was realized, Elliot withdrew and left Hazel on her own several years ago. Their love in ruins, she went to New York to work with her grandfather, a business magnate. Tsere she became very tightly acquainted with the Everhart brothers, mostly Scott, though, the second eldest and glue-of-the-family one. Recognizing that Scott is really more of a friend with benefits than a true partner, however, spurs Hazel to take up hands on management of a company back in San Fran. Where she runs into a very apologetic Elliot.

Scott wants Hazel back, though, and he’s not afraid to drop everything and try to convince her that he was totally mistaken in his no-strings sort of sexual camaraderie. Learning that Elliot is back give Scott, pause. How can he compete with the lost-love of Hazel’s life, even though he’s a big rich dude and his brothers are quite seriously BFFs with Hazel. Scott’s willing to let Hazel go, if she chooses to be with Elliot; he knows how to bow out gracefully. But, Hazel isn’t sure that turnig back to her first love is the best plan for the rest of her life.

This one is kinda sweet. I liked the dichotomy of finding love from one’s past, and within one’s present, with two different men. That said, I sometimes felt like the book took fifteen words to say what four might do. And, Scott was more self-sacrificing than I was comfortable with, for a hero. He was all swoony hearts-and-flowers and felt more perfect than real. Hazel has to get over her feelings of abandonment–by her parents, and by Elliot–before she can accept the love Scott freely offers, but she manages to make the right choice in the end. An extended epilogue leaves the reader in no doubt of the HEA.

Interested? You can find FOUND on Goodreads, and it’s only $.99 on Amazon, iBooks and Kobo through release week!

About the Author:
Claudia is an award-winning, international bestselling author. She lives in Colorado working for a small IT company, managing her household filled with three confused dogs, two daughters wrought with fandoms and a son who thinks he’s the boss of the house. And a wonderful husband who shares her love for all things geek. To survive she works continually to find purpose for the voices flitting through her head, plus she consumes high quantities of chocolate to keep the last threads of sanity intact.

Catch up with Claudia on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or sign up for her newsletter for updates!

Thanks for popping in, and keep reading my friends!

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